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Roen, K., & Pasterski, V. (2013, September 13). Psychological research and intersex/DSD: recent developments and future directions. Psychology & Sexuality, 5(1), 102–116.
Lundberg, T. P. (2017). Knowing bodies: Making sense of Intersex/DSD a decade post-consensus [Dissertation Thesis. University of Oslo].
Lundberg, T., Dønåsen, I., Hegarty, P., & Roen, K. (2019). Moving intersex/DSD rights and care forward: lay understandings of common dilemmas. Journal of Social and Political Psychology, 7(1), 354-377.
Wiesemann, C., Ude-Koeller, S., Sinnecker, G. H., & Thyen, U. (2010). Ethical principles and recommendations for the medical management of differences of sex development (DSD)/intersex in children and adolescents. European journal of pediatrics, 169, 671-679.
Danon, L. M. (2018, September 5). Comparing contemporary medical treatment practices aimed at intersex/DSD bodies in Israel and Germany. Sociology of Health & Illness, 41(1), 143–164.
Naezer, M., Oerlemans, A., Hablous, G., Claahsen–van der Grinten, H., van der Vleuten, A., & Verhaak, C. (2021). ‘We just want the best for this child’: contestations of intersex/DSD and transgender healthcare interventions. Journal of Gender Studies, 30(7), 830-843.
Davis, G. (2011). “DSD is a perfectly fine term”: Reasserting medical authority through a shift in intersex terminology. In Sociology of diagnosis (Vol. 12, pp. 155-182). Emerald Group Publishing Limited.
Crocetti, D., Monro, S., Vecchietti, V., & Yeadon-Lee, T. (2020). Towards an agency-based model of intersex, variations of sex characteristics (VSC) and DSD health. Culture, Health & Sexuality, 23(4), 500-515.
Schweizer, K., Brunner, F., Handford, C., & Richter-Appelt, H. (2013, September 13). Gender experience and satisfaction with gender allocation in adults with diverse intersex conditions (divergences of sex development, DSD). Psychology & Sexuality, 5(1), 56–82.
Roen, K. (2019, March 25). Intersex or Diverse Sex Development: Critical Review of Psychosocial Health Care Research and Indications for Practice. The Journal of Sex Research, 56(4–5), 511–528.
Hegarty, P., Prandelli, M., Lundberg, T., Liao, L. M., Creighton, S., & Roen, K. (2021). Drawing the line between essential and nonessential interventions on intersex characteristics with European health care professionals. Review of General Psychology, 25(1), 101-114.
De Clercq, E., Starke, G., & Rost, M. (2022). “Waking up” the sleeping metaphor of normality in connection to intersex or DSD: a scoping review of medical literature. History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences, 44(4), 50.
Lee, P. A., Mazur, T., & Houk, C. P. (2023). DSD/intersex: historical context and current perspectives. Journal of Pediatric Endocrinology and Metabolism.
Monro, S., Carpenter, M., Crocetti, D., Davis, G., Garland, F., Griffiths, D., … & Aggleton, P. (2021). Intersex: cultural and social perspectives. Culture, Health & Sexuality, 23(4), 431-440.
Jones, T. (2018). Intersex studies: A systematic review of international health literature. Sage Open, 8(2), 2158244017745577.
Popularizační publikace
Spurgas, A. K. (2016). (Un) queering identity: The biosocial production of intersex/DSD. In Critical intersex (pp. 97-122). Routledge.
Davis, G. (2015). Contesting intersex: The dubious diagnosis (Vol. 10). NYU Press.
American Psychological Association: A Guide for Supporting Trans and Gender Diverse Students
Mediální články a jiné odkazy
FF UP: Poznáváme intersex / DSD
Radio Wave: Chlapeček nebo holčička? Změňme množinu, kam se vejde mužské a ženské tělo
Audiovizuální zdroje
Dokument zkoumá, co znamená narodit se bez genderu, a sleduje řadu intersexuálních případů: páry, kterým se narodily děti s nejednoznačnými genitáliemi a které se musí s pomocí lékaře rozhodnout, jakého pohlaví jejich dítě bude; dospívající dívku, která žije se strukturou penisu již 15 let a teprve nyní se začíná léčit; a dospělou ženu, která se po letech života jako muž stále vyrovnává se svým pohlavím.