Vše vědeckém poznání partnerských vztahů LGBTQ+ osob.
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Gabb, J. (2022). The relationship work of sexual intimacy in long-term heterosexual and LGBTQ partnerships. Current Sociology, 70(1), 24-41.
Rohleder, P., Ryan-Flood, R., & Walsh, J. (2023). Holding hands: LGBTQ people’s experiences of public displays of affection with their partner(s). Psychology & Sexuality, 1-13.
Sloboda, Z. (2021). Registrované partnerství a homoparentalita v Česku. Gender a výzkum, 22(2), 139-169.
Fleishman, J. M., Crane, B., & Koch, P. B. (2019, June 7). Correlates and Predictors of Sexual Satisfaction for Older Adults in Same-Sex Relationships. Journal of Homosexuality, 67(14), 1974–1998. https://doi.org/10.1080/00918369.2019.1618647
Mark, K. P., Vowels, L. M., & Murray, S. H. (2018, January 31). The Impact of Attachment Style on Sexual Satisfaction and Sexual Desire in a Sexually Diverse Sample. Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy, 44(5), 450–458. https://doi.org/10.1080/0092623x.2017.1405310
Akers, W. P., Cashwell, C. S., & Blake, S. D. (2021, July 7). Relationship satisfaction and outness: the impact of the closet on connection. Sexual and Relationship Therapy, 1–21. https://doi.org/10.1080/14681994.2021.1937597
Lefevor, G. T., Beckstead, A. L., Schow, R. L., Raynes, M., Mansfield, T. R., & Rosik, C. H. (2019, January 16). Satisfaction and Health Within Four Sexual Identity Relationship Options. Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy, 45(5), 355–369. https://doi.org/10.1080/0092623x.2018.1531333
Haas, S. M., & Lannutti, P. J. (2022, June). Relationship maintenance behaviors, resilience, and relational quality in romantic relationships of LGBTQ+ people. Couple and Family Psychology: Research and Practice, 11(2), 117–131. https://doi.org/10.1037/cfp0000186
McClelland, S. I. (2013, November 14). “What do you mean when you say that you are sexually satisfied?” A mixed methods study. Feminism & Psychology, 24(1), 74–96. https://doi.org/10.1177/0959353513508392
Siegel, K., & Meunier, T. (2018, June 4). Traditional Sex and Gender Stereotypes in the Relationships of Non-Disclosing Behaviorally Bisexual Men. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 48(1), 333–345. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10508-018-1226-3
Edwards, K. M., Sylaska, K. M., & Neal, A. M. (2015, April). Intimate partner violence among sexual minority populations: A critical review of the literature and agenda for future research. Psychology of Violence, 5(2), 112–121. https://doi.org/10.1037/a0038656
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Yarbrough, M. W., Jones, A., & DeFilippis, J. N. (Eds.). (2018). Queer families and relationships after marriage equality. London and New York: Routledge.
Rostosky, S. S., & Riggle, E. D. (2015). Happy together: Thriving as a same-sex couple in your family, workplace, and community. American Psychological Association.
Gillespie, B. (Ed.). (2014). A family by any other name: Exploring queer relationships. TouchWood Editions.
Reese, T. (2021). How We Do Family: From Adoption to Trans Pregnancy, What We Learned about Love and LGBTQ Parenthood. The Experiment.
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„Registrované partnerství a manželství se liší ve 105 paragrafech. Buďme fér,“ říká Walek
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Queer: Registrované partnerství není manželství
Lidé si často myslí, že registrované partnerství je pro gaye a lesby stejné jako manželství. Mezi oběma institucemi ale existuje řada rozdílů, a to jak na symbolické, tak praktické rovině. Svůj pohled na tuto problematiku přibližují lesby Michaela s Andreou, které společně vychovávají holčičku, a řeší tedy zejména péči o děti.